Online tools for mapping and dialog

Clarify strategic goals and prioritize actions based on data

With DI2X self-assessment tools, you get tools and your own data that can be used for strategy, organizational and competence development in connection with your leaders' and organizations' digital maturation and transformation.

3 self-assesment tools - 3 purposes

Turn assumptions into action
Digital Maturity

Do you need to understand how digitally mature you are today and how mature you want to be in the future?

Use Digital Maturity to map your digital maturity and gain clarity on your goals and strategic focus areas.

Digital Maturity creates clarity, alignment and common direction for focus areas and strategy development.

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Organizational Capabilities

Do you want insight into your organization's capabilities for digital transformation?

Use Organizational Capabilities as a starting point for dialogue about strengths, focus areas, development initiatives, agreements, disagreements, etc.

Organizational Capabilities increase the level of reflection and create a foundation for organizational and competence development.

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Digital Mindset Profile

Do you want to map the digital mindset of your managers or management teams?

Use the Digital Mindset Profile to gain insight into the strengths and development potential of leaders and/or leadership teams at both the individual and group level.

Digital Mindset Profile enables data-based leadership or management team development and can be a tool for recruitment.

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Online tools for mapping and dialogue

The goal is to raise your level of reflection, create dialogue in your organization and strengthen your view of where you are today and where you want to be, and translating assumptions into tangible action.

DI2X Tools are based on thorough and deep research, years of experience and a wide range of tested cases in many environments - private companies, public organizations and non-profits.
Online tools for mapping and dialogue

With DI2X Tools you get your own data to work with which enables you to:

  • Make digitalization part of your business strategy and measure progress
  • Formulate the ambition for your digital transformation and identify the right strategic action points to execute on now and later
  • Raise awareness of digital transformation in the management team
  • Create a common language, understanding and digital mindset among leaders and increase digital maturity  

  • Let your own data drive your strategy and transformation, and identify which organizational capabilities to focus on first and next 
  • Get an overview of competencies in the organization and become aware of your strengths and weaknesses
  • Benchmark data across departments, over time, or between organizational levels and gain insight into differences, measure progress over time, clarify any gaps, etc. 
  • Become aware of where you are today and where you should be in 2 years and want to be in 5
  • Get personalized and shared reports based on intuitive graphics
  • And much more...

Get inspired

Bjørn Damsgaard IT Manager, Popermo InsurancePopermo Insurance

“The data has given me the opportunity to pull out results that show where management disagrees and where we are successful. It won't help if the management team each has their own view of what the world looks like. We need to be clear about this internally."

Bjørn Damsgaard
IT Manager
Popermo Insurance

Kim Nielsen - CEO, Canon DK - DI2X ToolsCanon - Logo
”In the preparation of our annual strategy, we used the tools from DI2X – and as a result we now look differently at our strategy. In the executive leadership team, we have designated some clear areas for action that we will focus on in the coming years to partly adjust our strategies and to increase our digital maturity."

Kim Nielsen
Canon Denmark

May Brandt Deputy Director, CFO Vestegnen HF & VUCVestegnen HF VUC logo
"In the management team at Vestegnen HF & VUC, we have used the web-based dialogue tools for Digital Transformation.

The tools provided a qualified managerial dialogue about our digital transformation based on where we are today and where we want to be in 5 years.
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May Brandt
Deputy Director
Vestegnen HF & VUC, Denmark

Map your Organization

You can use the Digital Maturity Tool to uncover the digital maturity in your organization. Or use the Organizational Capabilities Tool to explore the capabilities you need to succeed in digital transformation.

If you are curious about whether our Tools are right for you and your organization, you can order a free access and try the Tool.

Mission-Critical Priorities

Mission-critical priorities are the key questions executives and managers are dealing with. They are questions to which the answer is not obvious, and the solution is often a multi-year effort.

For DI2X, the main mission-critical priorities we address with our DI2X Tools are focused on an organization’s digital transformation and its organizational and leadership digital preparedness, and how to track and measure the progress.
  • Do you want to make digitalization an integral part of your business strategy and measure impact?

  • Do you want to formulate the ambition for your digital transformation and identify strategic action points to execute?

  • Do you want to improve your organizational capabilities- and decision about which one to focus on first and next?

  • Do you want to create digital mindsets and develop competencies amongst executives and managers to increase the digital maturity?
If you recognize one or more of these mission-critical priorities our DI2X Tools might be the right choice for you and your organization.
Sign up to try DI2X Tools
Peter Sondergaard meeting with Pernille Kræmmergaard and Klaus Larsen from Region Nordjylland

There are many benefits from choosing DI2X Tools

  • Tools allow you to make dialogues and decisions based on your own data
  • Specifically, you can collect data by mapping your organization's Digital Maturity and Organizational Capabilities, which uncover respectively.
    • Digital Maturity: the current maturity, the maturity you must have in 2 years and the desired maturity in 5 years
    • Organisational Capabilities: which capabilities do you master and which capabilities could be strengthened due to their weakness or strategic importance
  • You can create surveys, send invitations to participants, track the number of responses and view and share results afterwards
  • The results of the self-assessment are presented in an easily accessible and intuitive way
  • Mappings can be repeated over time or for different groups in the organization, allowing you to compare results and assess trends over time, or differences between departments, management levels or other
  • A Customers Service Programme - to ensure you get off to a good start and know where to get help
  • Invitation to webinars with researchers and managers
  • Invitations to networking events with professional content. Meet others and share knowledge and experiences using DI2X Tools
  • You will be continuously updated on new functionality in DI2X Tools

DI2X Tools - Online tools for mapping and dialogue

Based on our framework, which again is based on more than 25 years of research. It's your guarantee of quality. There are 3 Tools, each contributing to the work of your digital transformation.
Digital Maturity

This tool shows the current digital maturity of your organization, where you should be in 2 years and want to be in 5.

In this way, the analyzes provide a common language for all managers in the organization to use. Making execution everyone’s job. The gap between the current situation and the future ambition will be clear for all to see.

Organizational Capabilities

This tool shows the organization's mastery of 4x4 organizational capabilities that are crucial to the organization's digital transformation.

In this way, the analyzes provide an insight into where it is beneficial to make efforts to strengthen weak and / or strategically important capabilities.

Try DI2X Tools - tools for mapping and dialogue

Fill in the information below, and we will get back to you with access to try one or more of the DI2X Tools as a group (up to 10 participants).


Fill in the information below, and we will get back to you with access to try one or more of the DI2X Tools individually.

Morten Stage - Head of Sales - DI2X Denmark

Take charge of your digital transformation

Are you interested in dialogue on how your organization can benefit from our Tools, programs and services? Or do you just have a couple of questions? You might be looking for a partner to collaborate with you on the DI2X Tools and services?

Please reach out to Strategic Advisor Morten Stage at or +45 5076 4111, he'd be happy to hear from you.

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