Get a common language and mindset for Digital Maturation and Transformation

All our programs, services and mappings are based on research-based frameworks. They provide you with a common understanding and direction for digital maturity and transformation in your organization.

Online tools for mapping and dialogue

Let data drive your organization's digital development

Turn assumptions into action.

With DI2X's online Tools, you gain insight into your digital maturity, capabilities and mindset based on your own mapping. Insights that make it possible to create dialogue and direction for your organization's digital maturity.

Map your Organization

You can use the Digital Maturity Tool to uncover the 5 generations of digital maturity in your organisation. Or use the Organisational Capabilities Tool to explore the 10+3 capabilities you need to succeed in digital transformation in generations 4 and 5.

If you are curious about whether our Tools are right for you and your organisation, you can order a free access and try the Tool.

Get inspired

Kristoffer Böttzauw Director at Energistyrelsen Denmark

"The green transition requires high speed in implementation and target achievement. An essential element in being able to accelerate the transition is to use the opportunities offered by increased digitization and use of data. That is why I and others from the Danish Energy Agency are participating in a Masterclass in Digital Transformation this spring. Educational and eye-opening."

Kristoffer Böttzauw
Energistyrelsen, Denmark

Rune Hauge - Director at Digi Rogaland NorwayDigi Rogaland Norway Logo

"The certification gives me a greater professional impact in the work with digital transformation in Rogaland's municipalities. We are very aware that this is a key part of the solutions in the time to come. The certification gives me an in-depth understanding of the use of the tools with associated mappings, and the value they can add to our work."

Rune Hauge
Digi Rogaland, Norway

Jakob Andersen CIO at VellivVelliv, Pension & Life insurance Logo

"At Velliv, we have signed up for the Masterclass to get a common language and understanding of digital transformation. We participate from the top management together to ensure that we can execute by making strategy and digital change objectives correlate."

Jakob Andersen
Velliv, Denmark

From Language to Impact

Language and frameworks for digital transformation


Our proven Frameworks give you a common language to make organizational dialogue possible.
Digital Mindset for digital transformation icon


Our Programs and Resource Center give you access to insight and materials to accelerate the digital journey.
From strategy to action for digital transformation


Our Online Tools allow you to understand, prioritize, and execute - turning intuitions into clear and concrete actions.
From action to impact for digital transformation


Our approach moves you towards a common Digital Mindset, realizing strategies and business impact.

Service Program

Do you wish data analyses, benchmark report, or us to assist you in your digital transformation journey – then our Service Program is for you.

Partner Program

Do you wish to have proven Frameworks, Methods, and Online Tools to use toward your own clients – then our Partner Program is for you.


Meet our founder Pernille Kræmmergaard

Based on her academic research and insight into hundreds of executive programs, Pernille Kræmmergaard has built the comprehensive frameworks that support our services, programs, and online tools.

From language to mindset and impact
Her passion is to combine theory with practice and to provide a language, concepts, and tools for others to use in their digital transformation. The programs  and tools she has developed educate you to help others, or to help yourself. That is the basis of DI2X.

From professor to Founder and CEO
After more than 25 years in academia, most recently as a professor at Aalborg University and visiting professor at the IT University Denmark, she founded DI2X which is an ambitious Digital Leadership Research Institute with a focus on digital maturity and transformation.
Morten Stage - Head of Sales - DI2X Denmark

Take charge of your digital transformation

Are you interested in dialogue on how your organization can benefit from our Tools, programs and services? Or do you just have a couple of questions? You might be looking for a partner to collaborate with you on the DI2X Tools and services?

Please reach out to Strategic Advisor Morten Stage at or +45 5076 4111, he'd be happy to hear from you.