Masterclass in Digital Transformation

Many leaders lack a digital mindset and many leadership teams lack a common language to lead the organization’s digital transformation.
Participant of Masterclass in Digital Transformation - DI2X


To lead your company's digital transformation, you, as a leader, must understand what digital transformation is and what it requires of your organization. You will achieve this understanding by participating in the program.

Benefits for you as a participant

  • Understanding of Digital Transformation and the associated changes in the competitive landscape and the requirements and expectations of customers and employees
  • Insight into new technologies and their significance for business models, products, services, the organization, the workplace, and employees
  • Understanding of the organizational and managerial skills and mindset that digital transformation requires
  • Knowledge of the latest practice, theory, and literature in the field

Benefits for you as a leadership team

  • A common conceptual framework and language that can be used in the transformation of the company or organization
  • The ability to jointly identify opportunities and challenges for the company or organization
  • The ability to jointly identify which capabilities and areas are most important for the organization to work on developing / strengthening
Region Nordjylland Logo

"Pernille Kræmmergaard manages to blend practical empiricism with deep theoretical understanding in a way that perhaps only a few other experts in the world can match. The mix of participants and presenters from many different corners of the digital world meant that we approached the topic with many different perspectives.[...] First of all, we took away from the masterclass that digitalisation should be very high on the management agenda.

In healthcare, digital developments are leading to a paradigm shift, where we have, for example, completely new possibilities for remote diagnosis and monitoring. And to succeed in this transformation, the whole organization and the whole management team need to be involved."

Klaus Larsen
IT Director
Region Nordjylland, Denmark

"As a top manager in a public organization, it is crucial to understand the opportunities and challenges presented by digital and technological developments. Participating in the Masterclass has given my management team and I this insight. At the same time, we have gained a common language and mindset that will make us even stronger in executing new technologies for the benefit of the citizens and companies that we are put in the world for."

Jan Møller Mikkelsen
Subject Director
The Danish Tax Agency

Kristoffer Böttzauw Director at Energistyrelsen DenmarkThe Danish Energy Agency logo

"The green transition requires high speed in implementation and target achievement. An essential element in being able to accelerate the transition is to use the opportunities offered by increased digitization and use of data. That is why I and others from the Danish Energy Agency are participating in a Masterclass in Digital Transformation this spring. Educational and eye-opening."

Kristoffer Böttzauw
Energistyrelsen, Denmark

Upcoming Masterclass

3 modules of 2 days (6 days total)

WHERE: Copenhagen or Aalborg, Denmark and Oslo, Norway.


DKK 50.000 / NOK 60.000 / € 6.700  (excl. VAT). Invoiced upon registration. 
For those that are certificed in Digital leadership: DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 (excl. VAT).


Aalborg, Denmark

Module 1: August 26th and 27th 2024
Module 2: September 12th and 13th 2024
Module 3: October 3rd and 4th 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark

Module 1: August 29th and 30th 2024
Module 2: September 19th and 20th 2024
Module 3: October 9th and 10th 2024

Oslo, Norway

Module 1: November 14th and 15th 2024
Module 2: November 28th and 29th 2024
Module 3: December 12th and 13th 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark

Module 1: January 30th and 31st 2025
Module 2: February 27th and 28th 2025
Module 3: March 27th and 28th 2025

Oslo, Norway

Module 1: April 2nd and 3rd 2025
Module 2: April 23rd and 24th 2025
Module 3: May 14th and 15th 2025

Aalborg, Denmark

Module 1: April 10th and 11th 2025
Module 2: May 8th and 9th 2025
Module 3: June 3rd and 4th 2025


Please contact Senior Advisor Morten Stage at or by phone +45 5076 4111 for further information and practical clarifications.

With a Masterclass in Digital Transformation, you get a digital mindset to work strategically with your organization's digital transformation. You will become better at understanding what digital and technological development means for your organization and your own leadership. And you will become able to execute on the many opportunities and challenges.

Consider for a minute:

  • Do you need more knowledge about what Digital Transformation is and how it can be understood?
  • Does your management team need a common mindset, language, and direction for your digital transformation?
  • Do you lack the right mindset and competencies to lead and contribute to the transformation?
  • Do you need input and understanding of how new technologies and data can be translated into business value?
  • Do you experience that your customers and partners have new demands for your services and products or that your competitive position is challenged?
  • Are you interested in the latest research, theory, and experience on Digital Transformation and in working with translating these into your own organization and management practice?
  • Do you want to hear and debate what other companies have done and are doing, and be inspired?

If you recognize these challenges, then Masterclass in Digital Transformation is the right choice for you and your management colleagues.

You are welcome to participate on your own, but we recommend that entire management groups participate together.

Keep your Digital Mindset up-to-date

You will get access to DI2X’ Tools, and a closed Masterclass site in the Resource Center. Here you will have access to all materials from the program, slides, books, and other literature, webinars (past and future), cases, learning videos that you can watch with your colleagues, etc. You have access for at whole year. Meaning that after finishing the program, you will still have access, allowing you to keep your digital mindset up-to-date after finishing the Masterclass.

About Masterclass in Digital Transformation

  • 3 modules of 2 days - where you will meet Pernille Kræmmergaard, CEO of DI2X. She is complemented by a number of professors and researchers, who all teach the latest research and theory, as well as executives from private companies and public organizations, who all have experience with Digital Transformation from their practice and management.
  • Is conducted at master's level and has a high theoretical content at the same time as working with own experiences and practice. You will get inspiration on how theories can be translated into practice - this is one of our unique strengths.
  • Has been running since 2016, and more than 1000 leaders have completed the program. The content is continuously adapted - you are always presented with the latest practice, knowledge, and theory.

Who can participate?

Masterclass in Digital Transformation is aimed at top managers, managers, and management teams in private companies, and in the public sector who have a managerial and strategic responsibility for the organization's digital transformation. If possible, we recommend that the entire management team participate, to create a common language and subsequently enabling collaboration on anchoring the learnings in the organization.

“Just finished my Masterclass and I am totally high on energy over new knowledge, beginning insights, and fundamental understanding of Digital Transformation. A must for any board with a strategic goal to continuously develop their company and adapted to the agenda that comes with technological reality - organizationally as in relation to the company's end users / customers. Thank you to everyone for the good energy, the high academic level, exciting, educational reading materials, and your qualifying teaching means that I can hardly wait to get it all applied in my board positions.”

Tina Grønning
Board Member

Structure and Program

Masterclass is structured in three modules, each module consisting of two consecutive course days with physical attendance. The program is composed of speeches, plenary debates, group work, and individual reflection.


Changes, new business models, and new strategies

The first module creates insight into and understanding of Digital Transformation and what requirements it places on organizations and companies.

It looks into the most important technological and digital trends and the changes they bring to the competitive landscape, to the customers, and to the organization of the company.


Business development with technology and data

The second module focuses on the opportunities that technological developments offer for rethinking services, IT platforms, and collaboration with and about IT.

The module also explores how data can be used for business development, and how work with data can be organised to create the desired value.


Organizational and management competences

The third module addresses the question of how an organisation is set up, and how the work on digital maturity can be organised - and which organisational and managerial competences are central to this.

Particular focus is placed on what is required of staff and how to work with competence development.


May vary over time and dependent on location.
Pernille Kræmmergaard Founder and CEO, DI2X PhD, former Professor

Pernille Kræmmergaard
Founder and CEO, DI2X
PhD, former Professor

See more on Linkedin
Carsten Sørensen Associate Professor, London School of Economics

Carsten Sørensen
Associate Professor, London School of Economics

See more on Linkedin
Jan Damsgaard Professor, Department of Digitalization, CBS

Jan Damsgaard
Professor, Department of Digitalization, CBS

See more on Linkedin
Lars Kirdan Nordic Director, SAS Institute

Lars Kirdan
Nordic Director, SAS Institute

See more on Linkedin

Klaus Larsen
CIO, Region Nordjylland

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Peter Sondergaard Executive Advisor and Chairman of Boards

Peter Sondergaard
Executive Advisor and Chairman of Boards

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Anja Reinwald PhD, Customer Success Manager, DI2X

Anja Reinwald
PhD, Customer Success Manager, DI2X

See more on Linkedin
Tina Dyhr Dupont Product Director, AI & Robotics, NTT Data

Tina Dyhr Dupont
Product Director, AI & Robotics, NTT Data

See more on Linkedin
Jens Myrup Pedersen Professor in cyber security, Aalborg University

Jens Myrup Pedersen
Professor in Cyber Security, Aalborg University

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Torben Frerks Managing director, Weilbach A/S

Torben Frerks
Managing Director, Weilbach A/S

See more on Linkedin

Morten Blichfeldt Andersen
Publishing Director, Praxis, part of Egmont

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Tue Sanderhage Executive Director, Vestegnen HF & VUC (VUCV)

Tue Sanderhage
Executive Director, Vestegnen HF & VUC (VUCV)

See more on Linkedin
May Brandt Deputy Director, Vestegnen HF & VUC (VUCV)

May Brandt
Deputy Director, Vestegnen HF & VUC (VUCV)

See more on Linkedin
Chief Digital Learning Officer - DI2X

Eirin Folde
Chief Digital Learning Officer, DI2X

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Join our next Masterclass

Aalborg - starting August 26th 2024
Copenhagen - starting August 29th 2024
Copenhagen - starting January 30th 2025
Aalborg - starting April 10th 2025

Oslo - starting November 14th 2024
Oslo - starting April 2nd 2025

DKK 50.000 / NOK 60.000 /  € 6.700 (excl. VAT). Invoiced upon registration.
All three modules with physical attendance and in Danish.

Denmark: DKK 30.000 / € 4.000 (excl. VAT). Invoiced upon registration.
A reduced prices is offered for those that are already certificed in Digital Leadership.

The price includes:
  • Two books by Pernille Kræmmergaard 'Mind the Gap. Digital Maturation - Your Leadership Responsibility ' and 'Digital Transformation - 10 capabilities your organization should master  - and 3 you need'. Both books are handed out at the beginning of the program
  • Access to research papers and other relevant materials
  • Two tests per participant - one for "Digital Maturity" and one in "Organizational Capabilities“
  • Three modules of two days. At each module, day 1 begins at 9 am and ends at 6.30 pm. Day 2 begins at 9 am and ends at 4 pm
  • All meals and catering included at the physical modules
  • 3 months access to DI2X materials in DI2X Resource Center including a closed Masterclass site with all slides and readings from the program. We'll keep you updated on new materials in the Resource Center, upcomming webinars, updated cases, etc. to keep your digital mindset up-to-date
  • A personal certificate documenting you have participated in and completed the Masterclass
  • Invitation to various professional events at DI2X, where you have the opportunity to meet and exchange experiences with other leaders and organizations

Register for the course

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