DI2X is an ambitious Digital Leadership Research Institute with a focus on digital maturity and transformation.
We deliver comprehensive and proven Frameworks, Programs and Online Tools for Leaders and Organizations who want to understand, prioritize, and execute on all the evolving technological and digital possibilities.
We link strategy, organizational structure, and leadership with technology in a comprehensive, thorough, and effective approach. Our digital tools and certification programs aid and enhance leaders, management teams, and the whole organization’s ability to advance their digital maturity through turning intuitions into clear and concrete actions.
We obsess about educating you to help others, or to help yourselves. Our ambition is to improve all leaders' and managers' ability to move forward, to get an overview, and to create confidence in the journey towards a higher level of digital maturity.
Many organizations and leaders don't have a common language for digital maturity. We can't work in the same direction if we don't share a language for where we're going. Our tools and frameworks will give your organization a shared vocabulary and give your journey towards digital maturity direction.
Our goal is to support your ability to execute so that you increase your organization’s competitiveness and create value for all your stakeholders.
Our digital assessment tools and certifications have a solid foundation of research and many years of experience. Also, they incorporate the learnings of the many organizations already using our tools in both the private, public and non-profit sectors.
We are curious, engaged and we incessantly seek new knowledge. Therefore, you can be certain that our methods, models, and tools are constantly updated. For us, it is an honor to help you through your continued digital development.
Our massive collection of data supports facts instead of intuitions and we constantly contribute to new knowledge about digital preparedness across industries, geographies, organizational roles, and businesses of varying sizes.