Aug 2023 – Here are five tips to get started with AI in your business
Børsen Debate post by Pernille Kræmmergaard, DI2X
The use of artificial intelligence is by no means only about technology, but also about organizations, people and professions, writes Pernille Kræmmergaard, CEO, DI2X, member of the Digital Wise Men's Council at ATV and former professor, Aalborg University
Jan 2023 – Akademisk kvarter podcast
Hear Pernille Kræmmergaard, CEO in DI2X, talk about how companies and organisations can reach digital maturity faster.
Oct 2022 – The derailment of the welfare state can only be stopped by politicians with vision and courage
Finans Debate post by Pernille Kræmmergaard, DI2X
Denmark has been named world champion in digital infrastructure by the UN, EU and OECD. Yet we are left with a welfare model that is cracking in half. My fear is that years of accolades have led to blindness in the way we think about welfare.
Oct 2022 – A call to voters: we urgently need politicians with vision and the courage for major transformation
Avisen Danmark Debate post by Pernille Kræmmergaard, DI2X
We are in the middle of an election campaign where technological developments once again did not seem to play a significant role. This is a pity, as its potential is the answer to many of our major challenges in the field of welfare, climate, health and education - if used intelligently and transformatively, writes Pernille Kræmmergaard.
Aug 2022 – The public sector is being pushed to digitalize at a level where they are doomed to fail Debate post by Pernille Kræmmergaard, DI2X and Lars Bo Lindberg, Devoteam
Unfortunately, we are in a situation where public organisations are trying to implement digital projects they are not ready for, write Pernille Kræmmergaard and Lars Bo Lindberg.
Aug 2022 – "Mandag med Mening" podcast
Learn why the ability to create meaning is at the core of transformational leadership.
May 2022 – DI2X signs partnership agreement with Devoteam
We are pleased to announce that DI2X has signed a partnership agreement with Devoteam. In the video below you can hear Lars Bo Lindberg, Devoteam and Pernille Kræmmergaard, DI2X tell about the partnership. You can also read more about Devoteam as a certified partner here.
March 2022 – Mind the step: 5 generations of digital maturity
CfL excerpt from the book Digital Maturity: Strategy, Technology, Organization and Leadership in 5 Generations
An excerpt from chapter 1 of Pernille Kræmmergaard's latest book entitled Digital Maturity. Read why it's every top leader's duty to take an interest in technology. Get an introduction to the generational ladder of digital maturity.
Read the full extract here (in danish)
March 2022 – Top management competencies determines the organisation's digital maturity
Djøf interview with Pernille Kræmmergaard
Top management is the absolute driving force when Danish organisations move forward with digitalization in the coming years. Managers must be mentally ahead of the company and understand how digital technologies must be integrated into strategy, organisation and leadership, says Pernille Kræmmergard.
Read the full article here (in danish)
March 2022 – "Data Date" podcast in collaboration with KMD
Find it where you normally find your favorite podcasts or use this link:
November 2021 – "Digital Transformation" book published in English
The acclaimed book by CEO and Founder, Pernille Kræmmergaard, now available in English.
November 2021 – "Soft launch" of DI2X
Our website is now available and we're planning the official launch of DI2X. Please feel free to reach out to us.
October 2020 – 13 building blocks for your digital leadership foundation article
Read the 13 pointers on how to become a digital champion. Behind the 13 tips is DI2X director and former professor Pernille Kræmmergaard.
April 2020 – Corona crisis brings our digital leadership into question
Mandag Morgen article by Pernille Kræmmergaard
The Corona crisis has revealed that it is time for us to seriously increase our digital maturity. We need to better harness new technologies and data sets to create more transparency, better decision-making and better predictions to increase our resilience in the long run, says Pernille Kræmmergaard.
February 2020 – Digital visions and new relationships - what does it take to lead in a more digital environment?
Digitalledelse Blog Post by Anja Reinwald
Digitalization and digital transformation are on the agenda in many companies and organizations. It places new demands on leadership at all levels, but for many it may seem unclear what it requires from you and from others.
January 2020 – What do digital developments mean for leadership? - Five generations of digital mindset
Digitalledelse Blog Post by Anja Reinwald
Digitalization and digital transformation are on the agenda in many companies and organizations. It places new demands on leadership at all levels, but for many it may seem unclear what it requires from you and from others.
January 2020 – Digital leadership old virtues and new capabilities
Revision & Regnskabsvæsen 01-2020 Article
Read the full article here (in danish, requires registration)
January 2019 – Experts question Denmark as a digital front-runner
Jyllands-posten article in collaboration with Bo Martinsen og Pernille Kræmmergaard
Denmark once again takes first place as the EU's most digitalized country. But if you look only at how businesses use digital opportunities, there is room for improvement, say two experts.
September 2018 – Leaders must take the next step in digital transformation
Djøf article in collaboration wirh Pernille Kræmmergaard
Danish organisations have some of the best conditions in the world for successful digital transformation. But many are still at a standstill, as managers lack concrete tools to get started with the revolutionary transformation. That's the view of Pernille Kræmmergaard, CEO and founder of DI2X, who in a new book equips managers and organisations with the ten most important organisational skills for the digital age.
September 2018 – Digital transformation challenges leaders
Maskinmestrenes Forening Ajour-articles with Pernille Kræmmergaard
Being a digital visionary is about much more than having the latest IT equipment. It's about companies being able to operate in new digital ecosystems that break up old value chains.
March 2018 – Data-informed management: knowledge for change
Offentlig ledelse article in collaboration with Pernille Kræmmergaard and Peter Hyldborg
The two digitisation experts, Pernille Kræmmergaard and Peter Hyldborg, agrees that data can help us find out whether professional efforts are making a difference for citizens. But to make this a reality, managers need to demand this knowledge and make it part of the basis for their decisions.
March 2018 – Experts call for rules: public authorities delete emails widely differently
DR online
There is a difference of several years in how long public authorities keep deleted emails. In the police they are stored for 30 days. The Medicines Agency keeps them for six months. The Ministry of Justice and the Prison Service for one year - and the Tax Agency for five years.
August 2017 – Replacements at KMD: Why the changes are not surprising
IT Watch article
'A string of bad cases has marked KMD in recent years. In this light, the changes at the top come as no surprise, says a former IT management professor.
July 2017 – The total number of IT systems that don't talk to each other and are regularly replaced is driving government employees crazy.
Politikken article
Almost half of government employees find that their IT systems work so badly together that they have to type the same thing into several systems and registers.
June 2017 – The state will cut down on the use of consultants in large IT projects
Information article
The government must take more responsibility for tendering large IT projects instead of leaving everything to expensive external consultants. This is the opinion of Lars Frelle-Petersen, Director of the Digitisation Board at the Ministry of Finance. He is backed by Professor of Digitalization, Pernille Kræmmergaard.
April 2017 – IT people have moved up from the basement and into the managerial corridor
Akademikerbladet article
IT is no longer just about supporting - it's about creating. IT people used to be the people in the basement you called when your computer wasn't working. Now they manage the business development itself from the CEO's offices.
March 2017 – KMD will deliver a large IT system to the Tax Office despite demands for huge compensation
Computerworld article
KMD is to deliver a major IT system to the Danish tax agency. KMD bid well below both the tender price and the price of the other major suppliers for the task.
March 2017 – Danish tax authorities have chosen KMD for payment system despite huge summons: read the explanation here
Version2 article
KMD will operate and further develop the Tax Account system for the Danish Tax Agency, because it offered the lowest price. And despite the fact that KMD did not get the highest points for quality.
February 2017 – Report from IT giant goes against KMD in dispute with ATP
TV2 article
ATP is now getting a boost from one of the world's largest IT companies in its heated showdown with KMD, the country's largest IT company.
December 2016 – Scandal grows: delay sends billions in profits to IT giant
TV2 article
Several systems from the country's largest IT company, KMD, are severely delayed. This is generating billions in extra revenue for the company.
November 2017 – Where is the next Uber coming from? New training teaches you to tackle disruption before it hits your business
Euroman article
iPhones, Uber, Airbnb have all knocked big players off their feet with their breakthrough technologies. And it's only a matter of time before a new technology hits the field you're in too.
January 2017 – Politicians have known about Skat's illegal IT contracts for 15 years
Politikken article
On Wednesday, the State Auditors of the Danish Parliament postponed the decision to investigate illegal IT purchases by state institutions. It was expected that the State Auditors would ask the National Audit Office for an in-depth investigation into the continuous multi-million purchases of IT supplies by the Danish National Tax Agency, the National Police and other agencies without putting them out to tender.
January 2017 – Managers need to get smarter about digital transformation
Børsen article
Read the full article here (in danish, require registration)
Going back to 2016, Pernille Kræmmergaard and our sister-company, The Digitalization Institute, has been featured richly in the press and the public debate.
Are you a member of the press and do you need an expert opinion? Please feel free to reach out to:
CEO and Founder Pernille Kræmmergaard
+45 2250 7629