Events from DI2X

We look forward to meeting you

- virtually or in person
DI2X presenting at eKommune Norway 2023

We hope to see you

At DI2X we always look for opportunities to share our knowledge. Keep a look out on this page for current and future events.

Please note that if we have limited seats then we reserve the right to turn down selected participants, such as competitors.

Upcoming events 


Conference | Webinar | Event

To be announced



Conducted events 


Conference | Norway

The Digitalization Directorate - Digitaliseringskonferansen 2023

Challenging times set the framework for this year's conference. We review the status of the digital state of the nation and look at challenges, opportunities and good examples of digitalization projects. War, unrest and uncertainties characterize an entire world and affect the everyday lives of all of us. Everything from climate change and values to the economy and security is under pressure. What assessments must Norwegian municipalities, intelligence services and businesses make in light of these demanding times? How should we prioritize when the framework becomes tighter, and still allow digitalization to contribute to the further development of the public sector rather than stagnation? What is the most important thing to work together on now? Because digitalization is a team sport.


May 31 - June 1

Konference| In Danish

Dansk IT - OffDig konference

This year at OffDig, we will focus on how to work with larger groups of leaders and how to test the digital mindset of each leader to better develop their skills and competencies. We will be on stage on Wednesday March 8th from 13.20 - 13.40, where you can learn more about our new programme for Danish organisations, where we train many leaders simultaneously in a blended learning programme. A programme we have had great success with in Norway.


March 8-9th


Konference| In Danish

Dansk IT - OffDig konference

Meet our CEO Pernille Kræmmerggard in a panel discussion or our CSO Henrik Andersen for an Ignite presentation at Denmark's largest conference for public digitalisation.



March 23-24th

Event | In Danish

Digital Transformation Post Pandemic - Aalborg

Join this live event where we will officially launch DI2X as a company and look forward to presenting an interesting program od highly profiled speakers followed by networking.



March 2nd

Event | In Danish

Digital Transformation Post Pandemic - Copenhagen

Join this live event where we will officially launch DI2X as a company and look forward to presenting an interesting program od highly profiled speakers followed by networking.



March 23-24th


Event | In Danish

"Soft launch" of DI2X

Our website is now available and we're planning the official launch of DI2X. Please feel free to reach out to us.



November 1st

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