Digital Maturity

Use the Digital Maturity tools to discover 6 generations of digital maturity in your organization – based on our framework Digital Maturity
Digital Maturity Generations staircase

With our Digital Maturity Tool you can

  • Map the current state of the organization’s digital maturity
  • Get intuitive graphics to engage your entire organization
  • Get an overview of the strategic goals and ambitions in every part of your organization. Where you should be in 2 years and want to be in 5
  • Make the strategic ambitions for Digital Transformation transparent and set a shared direction
  • Get a clear overview of misalignment between e.g. digital architecture, data use, executives roles, and current and future digital maturity, and where to invest?
  • Track your progress as you steer towards your strategic goals

And much more.

How does the Digital Maturity tool work?

The tool is a self-assessment test that maps your organization's digital maturity today, what it should be in 2 years and what you want it to be in 5 years.

You can collect responses and view the results for your management team or your entire organization.

The gap between the current situation and the future ambition will be clear for all to see.

The analysis also shows how each of the 6 generations is expressed in the organization today and what the wishes are for the future.

The self-assessment consists of 24 questions and 4 background questions and takes approx. 15 min to answer.

The individual participants get direct access to their own assessment of the organization's digital maturity.

Digital maturity is evaluated in 8 areas:
  • The purpose of digital technologies

  • Critical success factors

  • Use of IT and technology

  • Use of data and data analytics

  • Organizational learning

  • Employee learning

  • The role and responsibility of top leaders

  • The role and responsibility of managers

Introduction to Digital Maturity

Watch the video for an introduction to the Digital Maturity framework or read the short paper that introduces the 5 Generations of digital maturity. This is particularly relevant before mapping the Digital Maturity.

Using the tool spurs reflection

All the questions in the mappings are formulated so that they in themselves create reflection by the person answering the mapping. The analysis and the intuitive graphics subsequently provide an overview of and insight into the organization's digital maturity today, in 2 years, and in 5 years.

The mapping is an opportunity to reflect on what is most important for the company or organization, how the priorities can be pursued, and frank dialogue can flourish.

Follow your progress

As your digital maturity evolves and you move towards your strategic objectives, use the tools to continually track your progress. Is every department or business unit evolving as they should? Or is there mis-alignment between your strategic goals and the current state?

Measuring regularly will keep your organization focused. 

Anja and Eirin using the digital maturity tool

Using the tool spurs reflection

All the questions in the self-assessment are formulated in a way that encourages reflection while answering. The analysis and intuitive graphics subsequently provide an overview and insight into the organization's digital maturity today, in 2 years and in 5 years.

The self-assessment is an opportunity to reflect on what is most important for the company or organization, how the priorities can be pursued, and frank dialogue can flourish.

Follow your progress

As your digital maturity evolves and you move towards your strategic objectives, use the tools to continually track your progress. Is every department or business unit evolving as they should? Or is there mis-alignment between your strategic goals and the current state?
Measuring regularly will keep your organization focused.

Anja and Eirin using the digital maturity tool
Lars Bonderup Bjørn CEO, EWII

"In EWII, we are in the process of a digital transformation, and we have high ambitions for the benefit of our customers and for inspiration for the energy industry. We have used the frameworks Digital Maturity as well as Organizational Capabilities from DI2X to increase awareness among managers - at all levels.

In connection with kick-off events, we have used both tests and the results have led to lively discussions about where we are, what people think we are doing and what people don’t think we are doing, reconciliation of expectations and concrete action plans. Most importantly, the tests and accompanying workshops have given us a language that has increased our ability to talk about digital transformation and its significance for both organization and business.”

Lars Bonderup Bjørn
EWII Denmark

Map your Organization - How Digital Mature are you?

What is your next step towards Digital Maturity?
Discover your level of Digital Maturity and the future needs and ambitions.

You are without doubt already getting digitalized. But how far are you – and what is the goal really? What should the next steps be? DI2X' research-based test maps the digital maturity of your organization. Read more about our Digital Maturity framework.

If you want digitalization to become a part of your strategy and if you are searching for a common language to set goals and drive implementation, then you have come to the right place.
Get access now
Your own learning begins here, so take your time

We've designed our self-assessments to be part of your learning experience. Therefore, they are probably a bit more complex than other tools you are familiar with. You will need about 15 minutes to complete the self-assessment. As you go through the questions, take some time to reflect on your organization's maturity, needed change and future ambitions. Your reflections are just as important as your answers.

Results to act on

Once you have completed the self-assessment, your results are displayed with intuitive graphics. Click on the graphic to drill down into the details. When you use the tool to show a cross-section of responses from different departments or senior leaders, the mapping becomes a valuable conversation starter.

DI2X Office at Budolfi Plads view

Morten Stage - Head of Sales - DI2X Denmark

Take charge of your digital transformation

Are you interested in dialogue on how your organization can benefit from our Tools, programs and services? Or do you just have a couple of questions? You might be looking for a partner to collaborate with you on the DI2X Tools and services?

Please reach out to Strategic Advisor Morten Stage at or +45 5076 4111, he'd be happy to hear from you.

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