Digital Maturity

Map your current digital maturity, where you think you should be in 2 years and where you want to be in 5 years within 6 generations of digital maturity.

The mapping is based on the framework Digital Maturity as expressed in the book "Mind the Gab – Digital maturation, your leadership responsibility".
Map your digital maturity and get input for your business strategy

Create clarity about current and future digital maturity and identify strategic focus areas

Get a Gap Analysis and Make Inconsistencies and Strategic Ambitions Transparent

Gain visibility into gaps and differences in your organization, and use visualizations of results to increase engagement

Create reflection, dialogue and a common direction for the company's digital development

Stimulate individual learning and promote dialogue and joint reflection

Future-proof your organization and track your progress

Ensure progress, future relevance and sustainability through ongoing surveys

Digital Maturity is based on a self-assessment test consisting of 24 questions and maps the organization's digital maturity today, what it should be in 2 years, and what is desirable in 5 years within 8 key areas.

Responses can be collected from as many respondents, groups, departments as you want. You also have the option to add up to 10 additional questions of your choice.

To support effective collaboration and data analysis across language barriers and organizational needs, DI2X Tools are designed to support multiple languages and geographies, including Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, English, and German, and the questionnaires are also adapted to both the private and public sectors.

The self-assessment test

The self-assessment test consists of 24 questions as well as 4 background questions and takes about 15 minutes to answer. The 24 questions are divided into 8 areas, with 3 questions for each area.

Under each question, the respondent is presented with 6 statements that represent the 6 generations of digital maturity. The respondent is asked to assess which statement most characterizes the organization today, in 2 years and in 5 years.

The 8 areas the questions concern are:

  • The purpose of digital technologies
  • Critical success factors
  • Use of IT and technology
  • Use of data and data analytics
  • Organizational learning
  • Employee learning
  • The role and responsibility of top leaders
  • The role and responsibility of managers

Immediately after answering the questions, the respondent gets access to their own analysis results online, which can also be downloaded as a report and stored locally. Respondents will also receive an email with a link to the results, which can then be revisited.

All responses are anonymous, and respondents can choose whether they want to share their results with others.

Analytics, reports and data processing

You appoint one or more administrators who have access to a wide range of online analysis tools that make it possible to compare anonymized responses across groups, departments, time and the 8 areas that are covered by the self-assessment test. It is also possible to extract data for selected groupings, display results in different languages, and much more.

The administrators have access to the aggregated, anonymized data. An administrator can see how many people in a group have responded, but not who or what each person has answered.

For larger groups, the aggregated anonymized data and analysis results are displayed online with intuitive graphical representations illustrating the current and future digital maturity collectively and within the 8 areas, and differences, misalignment and gaps will be clearly visible.

The overall results can be downloaded and printed in report form in several formats and used directly in practice for presentations, group discussions, workshops, etc.

If you want to repeat mappings, your administrators can create groups and new mappings for as many respondents and groups as you want. You can also create your own questions and conduct analyses on both past and recent data at any time.

Prepare for the test – watch the video or read the article

Learn about the Digital Maturity framework that underpins the self-assessment test. This will give you a better understanding of the test’s context and help you answer the questions. Remember, there are no wrong answers.

This video is in Danish

Using the tool spurs reflection

All the questions in the mappings are formulated so that they in themselves create reflection by the person answering the mapping. The analysis and the intuitive graphics subsequently provide an overview of and insight into the organization's digital maturity today, in 2 years, and in 5 years.

The mapping is an opportunity to reflect on what is most important for the company or organization, how the priorities can be pursued, and frank dialogue can flourish.

Follow your progress

As your digital maturity evolves and you move towards your strategic objectives, use the tools to continually track your progress. Is every department or business unit evolving as they should? Or is there mis-alignment between your strategic goals and the current state?

Measuring regularly will keep your organization focused. 

Anja and Eirin using the digital maturity tool
DI2X Tools - tools for mapping and dialogue

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Morten Stage - Head of Sales - DI2X Denmark

Take charge of your digital transformation

Are you interested in a chat about how your organization can benefit from our services and DI2X Tools?

Please reach out to Strategic Advisor Morten Stage at or +45 5076 4111, he'd be happy to hear from you.

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