Invitation to a course day

- A day of new knowledge and inspiration

This year we arrange a cource day related to Pernille Kræmmergaard’s new book “Mind the Gap. Digital Maturing - Your Leadership Responsibility”. 

At the cource day you will be updated with Generation 6 of digital maturity, new capabilities and the connection between these.
Pernille Kræmmergaard certification in Digital Leadership


Oslo, Norway
May 21st 9.30-16.00 (UTC+1)

DKK 6.000 / NOK 9.000 / € 800 (excl. VAT). Invoiced upon registration.
Former participants (Masterclass, Certification, Training): DKK 4.000 / NOK 6.000 / € 550(excl. VAT). Invoiced upon registration.


The last six months Pernille Kræmmergaard has developed Generation 6 of Digital Maturity and finalizing her new book "Mind the Gap. Digital Maturing - Your Leadership Responsibility", which will be published in Danish in mid-May by Djøf Forlag.

In this connection, we will be hosting a cource day for both former participants in our programs and courses, users of our Tools and others who know and use our Frameworks: "Digital Maturity" and "Organizational Capabilities for Digital Transformation". At the course day, you will be updated with Generation 6 of digital maturity, new capabilities and the connection between these - presented by Pernille Kræmmergaard herself.

You will have the opportunity to hear leaders from public and private organizations about their use of the frameworks in their work to digitally mature their organizations and share knowledge with the other participants.

See the program (in Norwegian).

The new book

Mind the Gap
Digital maturity - your leadership responsibility

Digital technologies are constantly evolving and their potential is growing. As a leader, you need to be aware of this. Otherwise, the gap between what you can do and what you are expected to do will grow too big. You need to be able to digitally mature your organization so that you see technology as a strategic advantage that can transform your strategy, organization and your own leadership.

Mind the Gap explains how understanding digital developments as successive generations, each with their own opportunities and challenges, can help you mature and transform your business or organization to stay relevant and grow.

The book is a handbook with two interrelated models - the Generational Staircase and associated Organizational Capabilities - and gives you a deeper understanding of the possibilities of technologies and how to execute and turn those possibilities into reality.

Sign up for the Professional Development Day


Oslo, Norway
May 21st 9.30-16.00 (UTC+1)

DKK 6.000 / NOK 9.000 / € 800 (excl. VAT). Invoiced upon registration.
Former participants (Masterclass, Certification, Training): DKK 4.000 / NOK 6.000 / € 550(excl. VAT). Invoiced upon registration.

The price includes:

  • Lessons
  • Meals incl. breakfast and lunch
  • And a copy of Pernille Kræmmergaard's book "Mind the Gap".

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